Recommendations to Parents

Home is the place where a child's character is formed and the school helps in full grooming of the child's personality.
Thus, to develop and bring forth the innate qualities in children, maximum co-operation between the school authorities and parents is a must.

1. Check the haircut 65 uniform of your ward in the morning before sending him/her to school.
2. See that your ward carries books/notebooks according to the time table and is punctual.
3. Visit the school on the specific day of every month to remain in touch with the teachers even if there is no problem.
4. Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies and co-curricular activities and sports.
5. Regularly check your ward's report card and teachers' remarks in the notebooks/diary.
6. No, child will be sent home during school hours.

   For Admission Contact:
Budha Dal Public School,
Patran Road, Samana-147101
Phone : 01764-221203
website :
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School Code : 20117
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